3 Reasons You Are Not Getting Hired

Most of my clients share common traits when they seek my assistance in marketing them for their next job. The job market is fierce and competition is greater than decades ago; however, if you are seeking a new position, you might be experiencing these same obstacles that are impeding and delaying you from landing your next job.

Below are three  reasons you are probably not being hired and how to combat them.

jobsYou do not know what you want.

The first step to landing a new job is knowing which position you would excel and remain at for a long term. Many people go after several positions within different industries. If you want results, you must clearly define your path. This is the first task my clients work on, defining their target positions. Stop wasting time by going after any and all jobs. Instead, develop good strategies to land the job you want and are qualified for.

You are not bold.

Is there a job you would like and know you are qualified for? If so, follow the directions posted on the job ad, but also contact the hiring manager directly. Send them a value proposition letter along with your resume. Want to work for a company in a position that recently became available, but has not been posted yet? Be bold and contact the key decision maker in that company. Send them a value proposition letter with a link to your amazing LinkedIn profile. Then, be ready to follow-up.

You do not know your value proposition.

Do you know the value you have to offer? If not, research the requirements of the positions you are pursuing and see whether you meet at least 70% of their requirements. Make sure the value you present on your resume and LinkedIn profile aligns with your target positions. Employers find value in people who have achieved what they are seeking in previous employments. They want you to help them solve their problems, so their expenses decrease and their profits increase. If you show them you have done that before, they will find value in bringing you on board.

Below are a few companies who are expanding. If you are experienced in these industries, read the articles and create an opportunity for yourself.

– Enterprise Cloud Software Provider Vroozi Expanding Team and Moving Headquarters to Los Angeles

– CrowdStrike Expands International Presence to Meet Growing Customer Demand

– Salesforce Unveils Salesforce Tower new York, Dramatically Expanding Regional Headquarters

Want to increase your salary, but your resume is not marketing you for high 5 and 6-figure jobs Click here to send me a message to discuss your professional goals and my resume writing process.

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0 – 10 Years   11 – 20 Years   21 – 30 Years   31+ Years

Executive / Professional Resume Writer

Yuleni Pulido ► Executive Resume Writer
☛ Website: www.OrganicResumeCreations.com
☛ Email: OrganicResumeCreations@gmail.com
Click here to send me a message.


  1. Interesting article. Have had a life committed to human services and serving the community. Struggle with transferring skills to market in other areas…..change career and get better compensation. Hunger to overcome obstacle for opportunity.

    1. Hello LaShon, thank you for commenting on my article. Changing industries is challenging and crafting a resume that will give you a chance to do so requires skill and strategy. Also, the greater the compensation, the more sophisticated the packaging. In this case, the packaging would be you and everything that has to do with you, such as your resume, letter, LinkedIn profile, interview appearance, and the like. Contact me at OrganicResumeCreations@gmail.com for help in all of this.

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