3 Steps to Self-Discovery

awakening-676386_1920One of the first steps I have my clients embark on is one of self discovery. We simply cannot dive into the resume development process without taking this step. If you are advancing your career, you need to identify the following points before proceeding:

 1) Target jobs
2) Driving motivators
3) 5-year perspective

Target Jobs

I cannot stress enough the amount of people I meet who do not know what jobs they want or at what jobs they would be great. These are not just entry level professionals, they are mid to executive level people who have not taken the time to research and identify the jobs they would like.

You can’t write a resume without knowing the position for which it would be written. I mean, you can, but it will not work to the best of your advantage. Every document is written with a target audience in mind. Your resume and value proposition letter is not the exception.

The U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics is a good resource to gain perspective on career demands within the upcoming years. A nationwide search on Indeed.com will show you the areas with the most jobs of a particular position (or keyword entered) as well as the market salary for that job. If you have a preferred industry, but have not narrowed down your target positions, then enter the industry keyword and research the positions within that industry.

US Bureau of Labor Statistics

Top occupations within information technology, data on increasing demand, required education, and media salary.

Job Aggregator Search

Jobs appearing for the first occupation shown on the US Bureau of Labor Statistics (image above).
Salary and location for this particular position.

Driving Motivators

Have you decided on what you would need to accept a job offer and take your next career step? Examples of driving motivators are work location, specific benefits package, minimum salary, less work hours and more quality time with family, and a job that requires traveling for those who would like to travel.

Some of you might just say, “I just need a job. I’ll take whatever I can get.” Your situation might push you towards this desperate state; however, with a better strategy, you might just be able to land a job that far supersedes your initial expectations. Instead of wasting your energy pursuing any and all jobs, be more focused and spend your time on jobs you would really like, jobs that align with your potential and skill set.

5-Year Perspective

This question probably seems redundant, but 5-years is a good timeframe to establish a plan and achieve it. This amount of time allows you to develop specific, measurable, attainable, relevant and timely (SMART) goals. Break down your 5 year goal into short term goals based on the steps it will take to get to the 5-year goal. Post this list somewhere you will look at on a daily basis. Visualize achieving your goals. The mind is powerful.

Brief example of a 5-year goal:

5-Year Goal: Executive Vice President (IT industry) (by or before 2021)
Short Term Goal: Be promoted in current job or secure a position in a new company (by July 2017)
Short Term Goal: Master’s Degree in Engineering (before May 2019)
– Mini-Goal: Complete graduate school application package

You should be able to develop long term goals and then establish short term goals as a staircase to your ultimate objective. This is part of the discovery path I guide my clients through as soon as we begin collaborating. Some say they have new perspectives and others learn from brainstorming on new questions. Others know what they want and can quickly respond to the discovery questions.

What goals can I help you achieve? Is it a promotion within your current company? Is your goal to secure a new position (private or government) at a new organization? Are you about to start an application package for graduate school which requires letters, essays, and a resume?

I was honored to have assisted the professionals below in advancing their careers and pursuing their professional goals.

“The resume you created for the FAA job yielded 5 referrals through USAJobs.gov in 7 weeks. I have not had a referral in years! I also had a phone interview for this position in a location and have another upcoming interview for another location. This is a step in the right direction. I am looking forward to doing more business with you in the near future. You have been instrumental in this process.” ~ Dr. Ruben Marchena

“I could write an essay about my experience with Yuleni, but to keep it simple, she is absolutely amazing! I received an interview invitation the day after I submitted the government resume she created. The knowledge I gained in networking and job searching helped me tremendously. I definitely recommend investing on your resume needs with her.” ~ Darius Bivins

After 8 weeks of using your resume and networking, I landed a new job in Florida! This opens occupational and benefits doors for me as my wife and I start a new life. God has been working on my behalf through you and others. My wife wants to present herself in the best way on paper, so we’ll require your services again soon. Thank you!” ~ Doug Jorgensen

What ever your professional goals might be, contact me to see how I can market and position you to achieve your goals at OrganicResumeCreations@gmail.com.

To begin, select the depth of your career background.

Less Than 5 Years   6 – 10 Years   11 – 15 Years

16 – 20 Years   21 – 30 Years   31+ Years

Yuleni Pulido: Professional Resume Writer
Click here to send me a message
Member of Professional Association of
Resume Writers & Career Coaches


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