Your 1 Routine to Your New Job

I think routines are healthy because they can keep you grounded. Routines provide consistency and purpose. Successful people have routines that help them improve themselves. Some of these routines include listening to self-improvement messages, exercising, or simply just thinking. These routines help them execute their goals. They accomplish these routines in the morning; thus, setting their day off to a good and positive start.

I think routines should be with intent, as opposed to just being automated and without an objective.

I would like to share one good routine that will help maximize your job search practices.

1. Contact 5 key-decision makers every business day. 

The decision-makers you contact do not have to necessarily be from companies with open vacancies. They can be from companies you would actually love to work at. Also, they can be from companies you know you would contribute a lot of value to based on your research of that company.

Contacting 5 key executives every business day translates into 25 targeted personsper week, resulting in 100 each month. Doing this increases the probability of being contacted by any one of them. Remember, you really only need one good job offer.

I recommend doing this in the morning. Otherwise, your contacts will get increasingly busy and might overlook your email or save it to read it the next day and possibly forget it. Doing this in the morning allows your contacts to read your email with a fresh mind and possibly even have a few minutes to reply. Sending these emails before 7:30 am is a good time.

If you need to prepare the emails the day before, you can do so, then send them in the morning.

2. Send a personalized invitation message via LinkedIn to those 5 key decision-makers on a daily basis excluding weekends (unless you want to).

This is a great practice because it opens doors for more opportunities, such as:

  • The person gets to view your amazing profile (hopefully, it is amazing!).
  • Their connections see that person connected with you and many of those connections are probably from the same industry, which can lead to more valuable connections.
  • You are able to see their activity and learn more of what peaks their interest.

This will allow you to engage in topics you both share and eventually create a good and substantial dialogue with your key contact.

3. Positive Affirmations

I consider this practice to be of great importance. Pursuing a new job is time-consuming and can get quite dreadful. The process is mentally exhausting and full of rejections. Many people experience mood swings and their stress levels rise.

To continue on this journey, you must care for your mind and maintain a positive energy. Positive affirmations help keep you focused on your future goals. It keeps you in the right mindset. The trick is to speak them out loud even when you do not feel like it. A good rule of thumb for affirmations is to start them with “I am…” Be sure to keep them realistic.

Examples of effective affirmations are:

I am one of the best business consultants in Los Angeles, CA.

I am a talented speaker and sales person.

I am someone people like doing business with.

I am one of the best team members any employer could have.

I am qualified to reduce and/or remove business pains.

An example of an ineffective affirmation is, “I am a millionaire.” (This is ineffective unless you really are.)

I recommend organizing these habits and practices in this order to form your new routine:

  1. Positive affirmations
  2. Connect with 5 key decision-makers on LinkedIn every business day.
  3. Send your value proposition letter to 5 key decision-maker every business day.

(You can also do the third one second and the second one third depending on your contact.)

If you are not able to contact 5 people, then aim for 3 contacts a day, 15 per week, and 60 a month.

This is a good strategy if done properly. If you are going to connect with key decision-makers on LinkedIn, but your profile is poorly crafted, then you will defeat the purpose of this targeted job-search strategy and your efforts might not yield many results. If you send your contacts a poorly crafted message to their email, this will also hurt your strategy.

Be sure to have an optimized and well-crafted LinkedIn profile. Doing so will allow your viewers to connect with you and understand the value you have to offer.

When you send a message to your contacts via e-mail, send them a good value proposition letter. This letter is designed to be read!

If you can add two more practices to this routine, then start your day off with a prayer, meditation, or a moment of silence and a good and healthy breakfast. This will help your body and mind feel good and ready to achieve your daily goals.

Your routine would be similar to this one:

  1. Prayer, meditation, or silence
  2. Positive affirmations
  3. Good healthy breakfast
  4. Connect with 5 key decision-makers on LinkedIn every business day
  5. Send your value proposition letter to 5 key decision-maker every business day

Remember, your approach to these executives and senior level professionals should be on point! While the majority of job-seekers are submitting their resumes via job aggregator sites, such as Indeed, CareerBuilder, and Glassdoor, you are pursuing a less competitive path and more targeted approach.

Employers have business pains and you have the qualifications to help reduce or remove those pains. They want to hear from you and learn how you can do that. You have what they need.

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Yuleni Pulido: Professional Resume Writer
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