The Light at the End of the Tunnel – USA Jobs

Finally people who have been pursuing a government job through will have a more humane approach to what some consider being a robotic application process. Many professionals and job seekers have submitted several applications and resumes for positions to see it falling deep into a black tunnel. 

Thankfully, is executing a system transformation which will be effective in the early months of the new year, 2015! Program Manager at the Office of Personnel Management, Michelle Early, is targeting a few of the most common problems applicants experience through, which is clear written communication on job advertisements, a stable application deadline, and a prompt follow-up.

The inspiration to transforming and revising the site into a simpler and responsive process was ignited to attract “fresh talent” to fulfill government jobs. This is excellent news for people who would like to pursue a government job!

Regardless of your career challenge, your resume plays a crucial role to receive interview invitations and to have potential employers think of you in a positive way.

Ready to add a government job to your new year’s professional goal?

Contact me and I would gladly assist you.

Click here to select your new career portfolio.

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Executive / Professional Resume Writer
Yuleni Pulido ► Executive Resume Writer
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