Author: yulenipulido

10 Resume Quick Fixes

Many people believe that making a few quick fixes on their resumes will increase their chances of attracting their target employers. The reality is that is does not work that way, because if it did, resume writers would not exist. 🙂 There really is no formula that will magically correct your resume to do the …

Why Should I hire you?

If you have been to job interviews before, then you know this is a common question in job interviews. This question is especially difficult to answer if it is asked in the middle or at the end of the interview, as you would think, “Well, because of all the reasons we just discussed.” As tempting …

Why Join Our Company?

Have you ever been asked, “Why would you like to join our company?” during a job interview? If so, have you ever wondered why they want to know that? After all, how can you answer that question, when you really have not worked for the company yet?

How to Avoid Job Searching Again

Job searching can be a long, tiring, and exhausting process times 10! When you finally are at the position to accept or decline a job offer, you want to make sure the company you would be working with would be one you would spend several years at. After all, you would not like to go …