
3 Steps to Breaking the Gates of USAJobs

Applying for vacancies on USAJobs has been described as an excruciating task for the majority of the federal job aspiring population. Nevertheless, people continue to apply and pursue positions with the federal government. To be more precise, 2 million new job applications go through every month. I can understand your frustration with the application …

3 Reasons You Are Not Getting Hired

Most of my clients share common traits when they seek my assistance in marketing them for their next job. The job market is fierce and competition is greater than decades ago; however, if you are seeking a new position, you might be experiencing these same obstacles that are impeding and delaying you from landing your …

Why You Should Not Have Your Resume Reviewed

I recently came across an online posting of someone seeking a resume review and numerous responses of others attempting to provide some guidance. One of the suggestions was to use an online resume review system from a resume writing business. I know there are many individuals searching for a new job, pursuing a promotion, or …