Getting Started

Hi there, I am glad you have decided to give your career marketing documents the attention they deserve. While there are many ways to develop a resume, my resume writing style is detailed, thorough, and personalized. I like to capture all of your experience, whether you think it is relevant or not, extract your most impressive and relevant accomplishments, and create a powerful and bold story that immediately begins to speak to the reader.

I have worked with many clients and to this day, I can still say that each client comes with their own challenges, career story, and dreams. For this reason, I do not use templates. I develop a first draft from scratch and apply strategies and creative ideas as I develop the drafts.

Oh, and the reason why I keep saying “I” is because I do not have subcontractors nor do I outsource my client’s project to writers in other countries. I do all of the work myself and I communicate with you directly.

  1. Purchase your ideal resume package here.
  2. Schedule your 15-minute introductory call here.
  3. I will send you a text confirmation. Please reply to acknowledge receipt.

7 Steps to Your New Resume

Additional Testimonials

You can read more testimonials here.

Executive / Professional Resume Writer

Yuleni Pulido: Professional Resume Writer
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Member of Professional Association of
Resume Writers & Career Coaches


“Whatever work you do, put yourself into it, as those who are serving not merely other people, but the Lord.” ~ Colossians 3:23

No statement made on this site constitutes legal advice or employment advice. Persons seeking legal advice should seek counsel from a licensed attorney. Your ability to obtain employment depends on many factors that are beyond the control of Organic Resume Creations, LLC. / Yuleni Pulido; therefore, Organic Resume Creations, LLC. / Yuleni Pulido is not liable in any way for any event after implementing any ideas or tips expressed or implied on this website, in materials provided, or after purchasing the products or services.

REFUND POLICY: Organic Resume Creations, LLC./Resume Writer does NOT provide any refunds and all service payments are FINAL. If you change your mind or decide you no longer want resume services, Organic Resume Creations, LLC./Resume Writer will honor your payment for up to two years. This means you can contact Resume Writer again within two years to work on your resume and Resume Writer will honor the services you made payment for.