How to get Your Resume to Show Your Success

I cannot say it is because of one particular section, because every section on your resume has a purpose. For now, let’s focus on the experience section.

Most resumes, if not every resume I see, regardless of whether the person is an executive, manager, in the private sector, or government sector, all focus mainly on responsibilities.

Responsibilities typically do not make an impact. Also, as I tell my clients, employers typically have an idea of your responsibilities based on your job title.

Your resume should not mimic a job description; it should be a creative and strategic marketing document highlighting your most impressive experience while minimizing any red flags.

What are some red flags?

Age Bias: experience acquired more than 15 years ago. Sometimes, this can be challenging when you’ve had amazing accomplishments from more than 15 years ago. There are strategies we can use in this scenario as well.

Unreliable Employee: work gaps that may convey an unreliable employee

Industry Transition: experience in an industry that differs from your target industry

Job Hopping: numerous jobs within a short period of time

Again, age bias: outdated skills

What should you focus on instead?

 Context: Provide potential employers with insight as to why you were hired.

 Challenges: Allow employers to visualize you solving problems the company was facing when you were hired.

 Actions: Talk about the actions you took to solve those problems.

 Results: Share ways your actions benefit the company or department.

 Metrics: Measure your accomplishments. This one is KEY because this is what will differentiate you from the 200+ individuals competing against you for the same opportunity.

The idea is to create a story. People remember stories more so than simple statements.

This type of resume takes a few drafts, brainstorming sessions, and numerous promptings to create a strategic and well-thought-out resume. Remember, a resume is not a job description; it is your career marketing document.

As you work on your resume, you can use these TOP 10 resume pointers.

As you work on your resume, follow the pointers below to increase your chances of job interviews.

  1. Include a clear resume title
  2. Opt for a qualifications summary over an objective statement
  3. Keep paragraphs concise (ideally 3 lines)
  4. Use bullet points for your accomplishments
  5. Highlight achievements, not just responsibilities
  6. Include quantifiable data
  7. Use visual appeal for a strong first impression
  8. Keep your resume concise (1 to 3 pages based on experience)
  9. Ensure proper and consistent formatting
  10. Include city, state, and zip code for location

These tips can elevate your resume and boost your chances of landing your dream job.

Now, let’s focus on the TOP 1/3 of the first page of your resume.

The top 1/3 is the most important part of your resume. This is the section the eye is drawn to first and it is the section that will likely take up most of the initial six-second scan.

Is your top 1/3 enough to tell your career story without reading the rest of your resume?

This section should include:

  1. your most impressive accomplishments
  2. your most valuable qualifications
  3. the most important requirements you meet from your target positions

This section should be the last part you develop. Once you have created a solid draft with accomplishment-based bullets (not responsibility-based bullets), the scope of your positions, and an experience section that shows you can overcome challenges, solve problems, take action, and produce results, then you are ready to strategize and craft the top 1/3 of your resume.

This 1/3 is what brings your resume . Also, this section will include your LinkedIn profile, so be sure your profile looks professional and connects with potential employers.

Want to know what I do?

I create dedicated space for this section in a different color as soon as I develop the first draft; it’s the first thing I do.

This creates a better visual of the layout and provides me with a close idea of the space I have for the remainder of the sections, such as the experience and education sections.

Also, this allows the client to have a better visual of the resume from the first draft.

Stay ahead of the game by scheduling a resume revamp before the year ends.


If you want to partner with a resume writer near you who is local to Miami and can bring the best out of you, please reach me via the contact form.

See Client Testimonials Here


Resume writing, professional resume writing service, resume writer near me Miami

Yuleni Pulido: Professional Resume Writer
Message Me Here
Member of the Professional Association of
Resume Writers & Career Coaches

Resume writing, professional resume writing service, resume writer near me Miami

“Whatever work you do, put yourself into it, as those who are serving not merely other people, but the Lord.” ~ Colossians 3:23

No statement made on this site constitutes legal advice or employment advice. Persons seeking legal advice should seek counsel from a licensed attorney. Your ability to obtain employment depends on many factors that are beyond the control of Organic Resume Creations, LLC. / Yuleni Pulido; therefore, Organic Resume Creations, LLC. / Yuleni Pulido is not liable in any way for any event after implementing any ideas or tips expressed or implied on this website, in materials provided, or after purchasing the products or services.

REFUND POLICY: Organic Resume Creations, LLC./Resume Writer does NOT provide any refunds and all service payments are FINAL. If you change your mind or decide you no longer want resume services, Organic Resume Creations, LLC./Resume Writer will honor your payment for up to two years. This means you can contact Resume Writer again within two years to work on your resume and Resume Writer will honor the services you made payment for.

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